
Biest als energiebron

Colostrum as an energy source?

Every mammal that is born receives colostrum or should at least receive colostrum. It contains the highest concentrations of antibodies, growth factors, antimicrobial substances, prebiotics, and many other components that...

Colostrum as an energy source?

Every mammal that is born receives colostrum or should at least receive colostrum. It contains the highest concentrations of antibodies, growth factors, antimicrobial substances, prebiotics, and many other components that...

Wat is IBR-vrije biest

IBR-free Colostrum for Calves

If a cow has come into contact with the IBR virus (Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis), the cow will produce antibodies against this virus. The infection can occur through the "field virus"...

IBR-free Colostrum for Calves

If a cow has come into contact with the IBR virus (Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis), the cow will produce antibodies against this virus. The infection can occur through the "field virus"...

Moederbiest en alternatieven

Mother's colostrum and alternatives

Unlike humans, goat kids are born without antibodies. A goat kid does not receive any antibodies from its mother during gestation. Upon birth, it's essential for the kid to get...

Mother's colostrum and alternatives

Unlike humans, goat kids are born without antibodies. A goat kid does not receive any antibodies from its mother during gestation. Upon birth, it's essential for the kid to get...

Antistof type IgG

Passive and active immunization

Shortly after colostrum intake, the level of antibodies in the body of the newborn lamb increases, initiating passive immunization. Several weeks after birth, active immunization begins, during which the lamb...

Passive and active immunization

Shortly after colostrum intake, the level of antibodies in the body of the newborn lamb increases, initiating passive immunization. Several weeks after birth, active immunization begins, during which the lamb...

Biestmanagement en hygiëne: De belangrijkste factoren

Colostrum management and hygiene: The most impo...

When a calf is born, it does not receive any antibodies from the dam. Similarly, foals, lambs (both sheep and goats), and piglets also do not receive antibodies from the...

Colostrum management and hygiene: The most impo...

When a calf is born, it does not receive any antibodies from the dam. Similarly, foals, lambs (both sheep and goats), and piglets also do not receive antibodies from the...

Hoe dien je extra biest toe bij biggen?

How do you administer additional colostrum to p...

PorcaCol® contains real 12-hour colostrum to boost piglet resistance and contribute to intestinal health through the presence of prebiotics. The colostrum in PorcaCol® comes from a large number of cows,...

How do you administer additional colostrum to p...

PorcaCol® contains real 12-hour colostrum to boost piglet resistance and contribute to intestinal health through the presence of prebiotics. The colostrum in PorcaCol® comes from a large number of cows,...